While there are countless lab tests your healthcare provider can ask you to do, there are three legitimate reasons why laboratory tests are ordered, and they are grouped based on these:
Shot Health emphasizes on providing you with comfort as you enjoy your health. Therefore, we have a safe and secure workflow that would ensure you get your lab work done from the comfort of your home. There is provision for all the three types of tests:
Diagnostic tests are ordered by your doctor. After having an appointment with us, the doctor or nurse will fill out a laboratory request form and organize when your samples are taken. In case you had a home call, we will organize how to come and collect the sample from your home. If you are referred from another facility, you will make a call to us and our staff would come and collect samples from you at your home.
For the monitoring tests, our staff will schedule the appointments for testing, depending on your location and availability.
If you need your routine screening tests, call us and schedule an appointment depending on your availability. Our staff will reach out to you and ensure you do not miss out on your screening schedules.
Once our test results are out, we will get in touch with your doctor and send the results to him/her or send them to you in case of routine screening tests. We pride ourselves in delivering results in the shortest time possible.