Medical Weight Loss

Want to lose excess weight? It is time to consider our medical weight-loss program.

What is it?

Medical weight loss is the proactive management of healthy behaviors, fitness, and diet carried out by a healthcare professional. The programs include medical diagnostics and comprehensive metabolic testing that help monitor the physiological changes during the program course. Medical weight-loss programs have been demonstrated to have a better success rate than most self-managed diet regimens despite both having the same objective: improvement of an individual’s exercise and nutritional habits.

Shot Health’s Medical Weight-loss Program gives you an exclusive advantage.

Our medical weight loss program offers our clients a unique opportunity to start and enhance their weight-loss ambitions. At the core of the program is the Diet program that relies on scientific evidence to assure our clients of its effectiveness.

Our Diet Program

Nutritional management is a vital component of medical weight loss often overlooked by many people committing to a weight-loss program. Managing your diet is the key to losing weight. It involves fiber-rich foods, high in whole and natural nutrients, low in refined sugars and grains, and low in fat. Scientific advances have proven these over the years, and our program builds upon the same to make sure our clients attain their goals.

We have a staff of highly trained professional physicians and nutritionists who guide our clients to methodically and effectively follow the stipulated diet – an exclusive benefit that most medical weight loss programs in the country do not provide. The exclusive experience, support, and guidance from a team of medical professionals specializing in weight-loss management through exercise and nutrition, alongside lifestyle coaching from professional psychologists, set us apart from other weight loss providers who promise intensive conditioning and a resort-style experience.

Shot Health Exercise Program

Besides nutritional management, Shot Health provides flexibility training, strength-building, and cardiovascular conditioning as part of our effective medical weight-loss program. In the context of losing weight, exercise catalyzes metabolic change, which has numerous benefits to your body.

Most people think that setting your body moving is a basic component of the weight loss journey. However, not every physical activity has the same impact. Some are better suited to weight loss than others. Our team of professionals is well-versed in the role of exercise in weight loss. They will guide you in having a custom-designed exercise program that aligns with the diet program for the weight-loss program’s maximum effectiveness. Our approach to exercise involves wholesome effective physical conditioning that would not be over strenuous or intense.

Choosing Shot Health

Shot Health’s medical weight loss program is the ideal opportunity for learning healthy eating habits, sustaining a functional exercise program, and successfully losing weight with nutritionists and physicians’ guidance.

Our weight loss program is designed to help those who participate lose weight. Most importantly, the program will guide you to learn the lifestyle behaviors and skills which will persist long after the weight-loss program has ended. Investing in the program will result in weight loss throughout your visits. However, the true value is witnessed in the weeks and months after concluding the program.

“True to their word. This is the best weight loss program I have ever seen. Great results” – Ben

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