Step 1: Use the Shot Health website to schedule a home visit appointment
Step 2: You will be asked whether you would like to schedule a flu shot for yourself or any other family members
Step 3: You will be assigned a Shot Health provider who will guide you through the additional steps of scheduling the flu shot and that of any other family members.
After scheduling your flu shot, your Shot Health provider will administer the vaccine in the comfort of your home at your convenience.
Allergic symptoms include asthma attacks, itchy eyes, runny nose, or sneezing. An allergy is a symptom m of your body’s reaction to an eaten, touched, or inhaled substance (allergen). In non-allergic people, the allergens are harmless and cause no symptoms. However, allergic people are sensitized to specific allergens and the symptoms are due to the body’s immune reaction to the allergen.
Allergy shots cause the body to stop reacting to the allergens and generating symptoms. It involves injecting a small amount of the identified allergen under the skin with each shot. The shot then stimulates the immune system just a little with every injection. Gradually, the amount of allergen in the shot is increased. The constant, low-level exposure stimulates a different kind of immune reaction to the allergen which is less bothersome than the allergic response.
When they work well, allergy shots are an effective long-term solution, making allergy symptoms occur less often and less severe. The full benefit for most people is realized after many years of going through a full course. The symptoms might start subsiding after about six months to one year
Allergy shots are recommended for individuals who:
– have severe allergy symptoms
– do not respond to normal medications.
– develop significant side effects from the medications.
– find allergies disrupting their lives
– have allergies that might become life-threatening such as those who develop severe allergic reactions or develop asthma attacks
Allergy shots can be used in reducing the severity of the allergy symptoms
Most people do not develop any reactions to the allergy shots. Mild reactions like itching, redness, or swelling at the injection site might occur and are treated with antihistamines. Rarely, severe reactions occur and are treated at the office.
Call us and schedule your allergy shots.